Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sweethearts that don't give a fuck.

Nothing beats the rude awakening such as one I'd experienced this morning. I wake up only to receive a text from my aunt who informs me that my precious low rider bike has been stolen. After processing what I'd just read, I feel the blood rushing through my chest as I refrain myself from making my way up the apartment stairs to kick my neighbor's (in which I am 1000% sure is responsible for this) face in. So instead I go outside in attempts to speak to the "manager" who isn't really the manager but was given the title since the actual landlord is on his death bed. As I make my way outside I spot one of the many crackheads that roams the property and confront him about letting random people in and out of the place during after hours. Of course being the lying, sly, sneaky crackhead he is,  he claims himself to be innocent and tries to sympathize with me by informing me that he too had his bike stolen. First off, I didn't ask if he got his bike stolen nor did I care because he doesn't belong around the property in the first place, second of all, he takes orders from my crackhead neighbors to sell the crack so this is partially his fault. So I leave our conversation and continue on to notify the manager that my shit has been stolen and that he had to do something about it. He stands there in awe, which I don't buy for one millisecond because he has a track history that would shock El Diablo himself. He tells me that he would replace the bike and I respond by telling him that I don't want it. Why you may ask? For one my bike was worth 200 dollars and I'm sure he would've sought a shitty low quality Walmart bike as a replacement. Second, he's old a.k.a doesn't have taste, and third there was no way I was about to feel as if I ever had to owe him anything, lastly, I realized that he wasn't the only one to blame but also the wicked witch that lived to the left of him. So the next time I see her, I will alert her that she BEST give me a new bike or else I will raise hell up in this bitch.

Some may say that it shouldn't get the best of me but I can't let it go due to the fact that I work every fiber of my being to get what I have and deserve. So fucking what if it's a material entity that could be replaced? So what if I didn't ride it every day? I'm not working my ass off and going to school for these  degenerates to fucking rob me not to mention trespassing through my garage! Those fuckers are so lucky I'm close to graduating. If I had nothing going for me, I could honestly say I would've lost my senses and beat the living daylights out of them. But whatever, she has others who are waiting to knock some sense into her, most likely for swindling them.  In addition to all of this, I made an attempt to call the landlord in which I found out that he was admitted to the hospital the day before due to a heart attack which resulted in speaking to the daughter. That didn't turn out any better. I explained to her everything that was going on around the house and she responded by saying "Why don't you call the police?", like seriously???! It's your duty as an associate landlord to fucking check up on your tenants, you dumb cunt! She wanted no responsibility due to her family emergency, but at the same time neglected the fact that they haven't even once checked up on the place in about three to four years. After her speil about how she was stressed and that she had parents dying, she hangs up. I call her back after collecting myself and call the cunt back to let her know that I'll be notifying housing authorities and that she will receive a fucking citation. I know I may sound like a cold hearted bitch, but her parents dying is not my problem. #justsayin

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


In about 6 months I'll be walking across the stage to receive my degree in Humanities and Social Sciences. I'm pretty stoked yet afraid at the same time. I'm thrilled because I can finally stop stressing out over deadlines and instead dedicate my life to working and catching up with my social life. On the other hand, I have this fear that these 5 years of schooling I've invested my efforts in will serve me no purpose. Life can be so complex sometimes. I wish I could just travel wherever the fuck I wanted to. I need to get away, possibly on a cruise or something relevant to that. I need to find myself, self medicate and self masturbate. Just kidding about the last part.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Momma Bear & Mochi!!! ^_^

My better half.

Angie, my THILLY, Huskayyy Betch!

The stunning Lisa a.k.a my apple <3

We got eyes as red as the Devils dick! I miss my Pineapple Express Girls.
"I'm not a bitch to fuck with!"- Mah Girrrl Anderson <3
My Ride or Die!!! Love this kid.

We've had many ups and downs, but here we are six years later. I love them.

Just simply trying to better myself each and everyday in all aspects possible.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Amped Up.

Reality is vibrant when you're around.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Feed Your Head

Keep your hopes high and your expectations low, you won't suffer that way. I feel like I embody a genius sometimes.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I love you Sam, your new boyfriend, not so much.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Demolishing Gluttony

So I've been feeling rather sluggish lately, I'm sure it's due to the inconsistent times of sleep for the past couple of weeks. Any who, I need to start exercising again. I've been gaining weight like a motherHefer ever since I lit up my first joint. By the end of Summer I should achieve being partied out so I can crawl back into my cave to prepare for the Fall and by than have lost at LEAST ten pounds. Damn Society for having standards on women and shame on me for conforming. On the bright side I'll be on track to becoming a healthy individual and looking hotter than ever (;

"She doesn't have the titties, she doesn't have the ass, she doesn't have the thick ass thighs that I possess!"